Item Name: No HTML please | |
Category: Select One | |
Image: Optional: You may upload a JPG image from your hard drive, or use a web URL. Leave this box blank if you have no photo available. | IF THE IMAGE IS ON YOUR HARD DISK 1) Press the BROWSE button above to navigate your hard drive
2) Locate the file (.JPG) on your hard drive and click OPEN
3) Be patient after submitting - it may take awhile to upload image
IF THE IMAGE IS ON THE WEB 1) Right click the web photo, choose Properties and copy URL
2) Paste the complete image URL into the box below:
NOTE: The URL MUST begin with "http:// ..." and end in ".jpg"
IF YOU HAVE NO PHOTO OF THE ITEM 1) Leave both Image boxes blank |
Days Until Close: (1-14 days) | |
Description: This should include the condition of the item, payment and shipping information, and
any other information the buyer should know. If you wish to donate your sale proceeds to rescue, please indicate it here. | |
Please note that by placing an item up for bid you are making a contract between you and the buyer. Once you place an item, you may not retract it and you must sell it for the highest bid. In other words, if you don't want to sell it, don't place it up for bid.
Registration is required to post or bid! |
Your Name/Alias: Your registered name |
Your Password: Your registered password | Forgot your password? Click here.
Your Starting Bid: Minimum starting price - may be less than your reserve | $
Your Reserve Price: You are not obligated to sell below this price. Leave blank if none. | $
Bid Increment: Minimum addition for each new bid (eg. $1, $2, or $5) | $ |
Click button only ONCE Please be patient if you are uploading an image file |