Terrier Club

Breed: Female Cairn
Cleveland, Ohio
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Born: 4-3-2005
Breed: Female Cairn
Residence: Cleveland, Ohio
Weight: 12 pounds

My Family
Visit Skye and Talli
Skye and Talli

Favorite food: Everything !! Especially carrots - but I only eat organic food.

Favorite toy: Squeaky toys.

Favorite activity: Going to "puppy school" and chasing anything that moves, especially all the blowing leaves!

Special talents: My mom wanted me and named me in memory of her beautiful cairn terrier SKYE who passed away this year. I am mending her heart!

Most embarrassing moment: None, I am quite the lady!

Most trouble I ever got into: I have chewed every leg of every piece of mom's antique furniture!

My favorite friends: My roomies...Talli, Saki, and Chopin my other dog family members, and my kitties, Bailey, Sambuca and Gibson.

Biggest adventure: Life is an adventure!

Member since 11/15/2005
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