
Breed: Male Cairn
Residence: Austin, Texas
Weight: 14 pounds
Favorite food: Beneful.
Favorite activity: Keeping the squirrels and cats out of my territory.
Special talents: I can roll over and speak on command. I also understand when my master's friend is coming over who I love, and will get all excited and sit on the floor in front of the door and wait for him to come over so I can give him an overwhelming greeting.
Most embarrassing moment: When I got caught getting into the wastebasket in the rest room. I put my head and ears down and pouted all night when I got scolded.
Most trouble I ever got into: When I snarled and bit my master when she tried to take a popsicle stick from me. She rolled up a newspaper and hit the floor in front of me with it, which I proceeded to attack and become really defensive. I've never seen my master get so mad at me but she has now learned not to mess with me when it comes to food and she's very careful to keep things that could harm me out of my reach.
My favorite friends: My favorite friend is my master's boyfriend. I will howl and bark and run around in circles when my master tells me he's coming to see me. Then I wait at the front door for him.
Biggest adventure: I went to my master's boyfriend's house out on the lake and floated out in the cove. Then when the ducks had the nerve to invade my territory, the cove, I jumped out of the float I was in and swam all over that cove after them. How dare they enter my cove. I showed them.
Member since 09/06/2003