Angel, Annie, and Jasmine
Born: 10/12, 7/2, 9/3
Breed: Female Westies
Residence: Mansfield, Ohio
Weight: 18 lbs, 15 lbs, 14 lbs.
Favorite food: Doggie Treats.
Favorite toy: Plastic Ice cream Cone, Stuffed Fur Ball, Fur Duck.
Favorite activity: Angel- sqeaking toys. Annie- Eating. Jasmine- Hunting.
Special talents: All 3 Girls Have WON my heart! They have their own Westie Club!
Most embarrassing moment: Angel's- Jumping Annie. Annie's- Pooping on carpet. Jasmine- Getting loose in the store.
Most trouble I ever got into: Angel- Eating fiberglass insulation. Annie- In the tub. Jasmine- Fighting.
My favorite friends: The 19 pets the girls live with, birds, rabbits, lab, giunea pigs.
Biggest adventure: Going to the park and down the slides! Also sled riding!
Member since 08/25/2001