My Photo Album
Photos of my girls
Favorite food: Taste of the Wild, Venison and Bison.
Favorite toy: My "bony maroni" that Auntie Linda sent me or anything my sister Jolly has.
Favorite activity: Playing and playing and playing and playing, and then cuddling up and snoozing with Mommy.
Special talents: I'm a really great bug catcher and a great watchdog....I tell Mommy when the deer are in our yard...and the squillys....oh, my...they keep me VERY busy.
Most embarrassing moment: When I poopied in Uncle Mark's store.
Most trouble I ever got into: My sister and I get very rambunctious playing, and I have knocked the same lamp over...3 TIMES!
My favorite friends: My sister, Jolly (of course), Lily, Sambucca, Isabella, Phoenix, Stormie, Faith, Tillie, Bullit and Harley.
Biggest adventure: Taking a long roadtrip to visit with Auntie Linda and Lily and visiting with "The Sisters" along the way.
Member since 01/03/2009