Born: 05/89
Breed: Male Cairn
Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada
Weight: 23 pounds
Favorite food: ANYTHING esp. Chinese stuff.
Favorite toy: TOYS!?!?! I don't need no stinkin' toys.
Favorite activity: Going to cancer support group meetings and hanging out in the doggy park with all my pals and going over to Auntie Noelle's house.
Special talents: Superior squirrel chaser... never came in the yard while *I* was on duty. My fame must have preceeded me, 'cuz there are NO squirrls in Las Vegas that I've seen.
Most embarrassing moment: Uh.. well, I got in a fight with another foster dog and mom pulled me up by my tail.. that was kinda embarassing.
Most trouble I ever got into: The fight with that darned DD foster mom had but I'm a super good boy ever since.
My favorite friends: DUMPLING!!!! my sweetheart... Auntie Noelle, Calin, my Scottie cousin.
Biggest adventure: When I had to go to the big vet school in CA when I had a tumour on my leg.
Member since 05/12/2006