My Photo Album
Miss Daisys Photos
Favorite food: Hot dog, peanut butter, cheetos, iams.
Favorite toy: Kong ball, rope bone, squeeky pig.
Favorite activity: Playing frisbee fetch or tennis ball fetch. chasing neighbors cats that come in my fence.
Special talents: I can sit, stay, fetch, beg, rollover for tummy rub.
Most embarrassing moment: I went to grandmas house for a visit and had a messy poop so dad catches me and wipes my butt in front of grandmas cats.
Most trouble I ever got into: When Dad had just laid the new carpet in the bedrooms he finally let me in to inspect the job he had done, Well something just didn't smell right about that carpet so I peed on it. Mom and Dad were very angry at me for that so an hour later I did it again.
My favorite friends: Hope, Faith(Goldens), Gramdma, orange and white cat from next door.
Biggest adventure: Mom and Dad took me to the beach for a week this summer, love every minute as much as they did.
Member since 09/13/2003