
Born: March, 2004
Breed: Female Westie
Residence: Burnsville, Minnesota
Weight: 17 pounds
Favorite food: Anything! I love to eat.
Favorite toy: I love my squeaky toys! I especially love it when mom throws them for me.
Favorite activity: Playing, eating, chasing my cat, knocking over trash cans and shredding the kleenex I find in them.
Special talents: I'm a real good leaper. I leaped over the baby gate that kept me in the kitchen my first day here.
Most embarrassing moment: When all the new noises scared me. I'm really brave now(most of the time).
Most trouble I ever got into: Getting out of the kitchen no matter what gates were up. I chewed through, jumped over and pulled down anything that was put up.
My favorite friends: I don't play favorites yet.
Biggest adventure: Going to my foster home in Iowa and then getting my own home in Minnesota.
My email address: 
Member since 07/25/2006