Terrier Club

Breed: Female Westie
Beaverton, Oregon
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Born: August, 1990
Breed: Female Westie
Residence: Beaverton, Oregon
Weight: 16.2 pounds, I'm petite!

Favorite food: Dead bird (chicken) Note: Every Monday night is all you can eat night when Mama roasts two 5 pound chickens. Vegetables, eggs, and I can't resist bagels! Oh, they are soooo good. Why not? I'm so fit...

Favorite toy: Small rubber ball named Turvey and dirty socks (even classy girls need a vice).

Favorite activity: Riding in the car with my beautiful hairs in the wind! When mama whispers to me privately (that's VERY nice) I like sharing private moments with mama. I sleep next to her.

Special talents: Being beautiful. Being Top Dog in my dog den. Being a real leader. I have a Yorkie and a Lhasa brother. Smiling. Dad really likes it when I do!

Most embarrassing moment: Getting caught rolling in the horse poop on the beach. (I lost it, sorry...It was nice and stinky-looked very inviting).

Most trouble I ever got into: Trying to eat small kids. Chasing them on roller skates and skate boards. Why do we need all of that noise?

My favorite friends: My brothers: Andy (now a Lhasa Apso angel) Toby (the Yorkie) Jake (our new Lhasa Apso puppy) and my big sister Darla (I only got to spend 6 months with her before she left for heaven) Darla was a German Shepherd and I used to lay on her paws. She was nice to me! Wow, was she ever a BIG doggie! I don't particularly care for those cat types...I like to chase the neighbor's cat.

Biggest adventure: Moving to Oregon from Los Angeles, CA (that is a real adventure) and we might just move again.

My web page: Opie's Website
Member since May 2001 (or earlier)
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