
Born: April, 1993
Breed: Male Westie
Residence: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Weight: 22 pounds
Favorite food: Molasses cookies, lamb (just the bone marrow).
Favorite toy: Don't have one. I've destroyed hundreds or buried them all.
Favorite activity: Looking out the bay window or sitting in the driveway watching people go by.
Special talents: Dancing on my hind legs, good beggar, top dog when I visit my nursing home pals. Petsmart dog of the month. (Got my picture taken and some free food)
Most embarrassing moment: Waiting for my family in car until their piano lessons were finished. I showed them. I laid on the horn for a long time until they figured out that it was me not a car alarm. Piano teacher freaked out at my behavior and I don't know why. I really wanted out of that car to be where the action was. How dare they leave me. They don't leave me alone in the car anymore. Gotta train these folks.
Most trouble I ever got into: My family was giving a dinner party with all kinds of neat goodies. I took hold of the table cloth and pulled it down so that I could get a bite. Boy, was there a mess!
My favorite friends: Dogs of all breeds. Have killed many snakes, stupid birds that just sit there, mice ( I really hate them), turtles (I use those guys as chewing raw hides). Oh, yes, I love rabbits. If I ever catch them, I show them who is boss in this yard.
Biggest adventure: Going to Estes Park, Colorado. Big game out there. I was kinda scared of deer, and other big stuff up there. I also flew on an airplane. Had to pay 100 bucks for my place on plane even though they placed me under my mom's seat. Talk about cramped. Still, the airlines claim that dogs don't have souls. Everybody loved me on that flight!! I loved it.
Member since May 2001 (or earlier)