Brogan and Sammie
Born: June '00, Oct '01
Breed: Female Westies
Residence: Stafford, Virginia
Weight: Brogan- 16 lbs, Sammie-16.5 lbs
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Favorite food: Brogan- Anything. Sammie- Baby carrots.
Favorite toy: Brogan- Balls, balls, and more balls. Sammie- Anything stuffed.
Favorite activity: Brogan- Chasing all critters big and small. Sammie- Playing with Brogan and chasing critters.
Special talents: Brogan- Getting into mischief as soon as Mom's back is turned... Sammie- Sitting pretty.
Most embarrassing moment: Brogan- Same as most trouble I got into. Sammie- None yet!
Most trouble I ever got into: Brogan- First day with my new Mom & Dad I rolled around on something dead, boy did I smell wonderful! Sammie- I do not get into trouble. I am an angel!
My favorite friends: Brogan- Max, Dorothy, Moon, Chelsea. Sammie- Everybody! Human or Canine!
Biggest adventure: Brogan- Going to PA to see my grandparents for the first time. What a trip! Of course they fell in love with me after I stopped growling at them! Sammie- Being put in a car, again, for a long trip. From Illinois to Virginia, my forever home.
Member since 06/30/2001