My Photo Album
Chronicles of a New England Westie
Favorite food: PM Biscuit with poppa
Favorite toy: Bow Wow Beanie:Weenie, BoBo, anything with a squeak and a nerf ball.
Favorite activity: Taking long walks with mom and playing with my neighborhood dog friends and any time I get to hang with poppa.
Most trouble I ever got into: When I rolled in nasty dog poop on a walk and mom had to wash me up. I kept jumping out of the tub and we both had a bath!
My favorite friends: Toto the Yorkie across the street, Vegas the boxer mix I walk with most days and Penny the Standard Poodle next door.
Biggest adventure: We went to Baltimore. I rode in my car seat and got to pee in every state we went through. Stayed with my human sis and her 2 dogs. I had the time of my little life.
My web page: Gracie's Website
Member since 01/01/2007