My Photo Album
Weezie and Life
Favorite food: I'm not allowed human food, except for carrots, yogurt and apples.
Favorite toy: Anything soft so I can shake the stuffing out of it.
Favorite activity: Playing in the snow, chasing chipmunks and squirrels, running free on Martha's Vineyard with the Big Dogs!
Special talents: Smirking at the dogs when I went to Dog School in order to train my humans.
Most embarrassing moment: I am far too sophisticated for embarrassment.
Most trouble I ever got into: I must have done something to get dumped at the Shelter - not a whisper of trouble since then!
My favorite friends: My brother Jack, an Olde English Bulldogge, and Grace O'Malley, a cairn on The Vineyard.
Biggest adventure: Going with My Mom to New York, The Vineyard, The Cape and everywhere I am invited! I am welcome everywhere!
Member since 03/09/2005