Terrier Club

Sammy and Emmet
Breed: Female and Male Cairns
Williston, Vermont
Sammy and Emmet
Sammy and Emmet
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Born: Mar '96, Nov '96
Breed: Female and Male Cairns
Residence: Williston, Vermont
Weight: 15 lbs, 18 lbs

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The Vermonsters

Favorite food: ANYTHING!!!

Favorite toy: Sammy- Hedgehog. Emmet- anything that Sammy has.

Favorite activity: Eating, chasing our cats, barking at "whatever".

Special talents: Sammy -I can twirl around on my hind feet Emmet- I can blow bubbles in my water bowl.

Most embarrassing moment: Sammy- When I was a baby, I climbed into a tiny hole in the covering of the box spring of Mom's bed. I got stuck and they had to take the whole bed apart to rescue me! Emmet- I'm too cool to be embarrassed!

Most trouble I ever got into: Sammy- Getting loose and running into the woods behond our house- I beat Mom home, though! Emmet- Jumping out of the car and almost getting into heavy traffic.

My favorite friends: Juno and Kramer, our human brother's dogs, our four cats and our human brothers(2) and sister.

Biggest adventure: Sammy- I went to my human brother's college graduation when I was 12 weeks old! Emmet- any ride in the car is an adventure!

Member since 03/31/2004
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