My Photo Album
Adventures of those Oregon sisters
Favorite food: I have a healthy appetite..I'll eat most anything.
Favorite toy: Hedgehogs, I have a collection of them. My favorite is a grunting one.
Favorite activity: Wrestling with my sister BeeGee. We have some real tussles sometimes. All in fun of course. Helping our mom in the garden.
Special talents: I can look my way out of any trouble. I have the ability to search out any bare feet in my house.
Most embarrassing moment: I once peed on my mom's foot. She was all embarresed, but it didn't bother me one bit, she shouldn't have stopped in front of me.
Most trouble I ever got into: I have outgrown my troublesome years. I used to be in trouble all the time.
My favorite friends: My sisters and Jewel of course. Two cats, R Gang, Elliot..I really like him a lot.
Biggest adventure: I've had a few adventures, but I'm sure my big one is yet to come.
My web page: Sissy's Website
Member since May 2001 (or earlier)