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Mummy been real busy since we got home Reply to this Message

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Biba & Andrew
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Aug 17, 2023 at 16:56
(United Kingdom)
Post 19148

Mummy been real busy since we got home Vote for this post

Hullo Everybod ,Mummy has beens soo busy wiv fings since we gotted home last week and the two holiday lets she looks after have got peeples leaving them and two days and more cuming and mummy has not hads time to do the ironing yet fwom the wash after owr break.
well we hads gwammies funeral to goo to and well..we were real good in the church and we sat at the fwont wiv mummy and Daddy to support him and we wore owr Blue poppies she had knitted for the animals..well Drewn had a blue one and mine was white and a black centre...matched my cairn colouring I say..we stayed in four diffewent  hotels in the countryside so we hads quite an adventure and Mummys piccies for here are mounting up...and we wented the last day to the cotswolds to a super place that sells real vewy expensive motor cars and does storage for wealthy car owners..of which we are not mummy says but we looked round the shop and mummy got two new clocks for the hoose and   and we looked carefully at the motor cars..one was Fangios..whos he Mummy I say!!...Drew not know do yoo Drew..oh well mummy and daddy must know of him...more piccies to show yoo and I weckon Drews Emmies Daddy wuds have loved  the place and us doggies were allowed and a real nice lady in the cafe and shop ,she had doggies also and gave us tweats...well I gots to go to beddie now and Drew alweddy snoozing but I come back tomowwow when mummy finishes worky....Big Huggies and kissies to all and Smoochies to my Master Gwady and Drew sends Big slobbery kissies to his Emmie and My Bestest fwend.
Lov Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPS..Big kissies to see Bo Bryce has joined us all here xxxxx

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Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie
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Aug 17, 2023 at 17:50
• Deborah

Post 11311

Re: Mummy been real busy since we got home Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh mercy me, you had quite a time of it didn't you Bestest Bibs an my Drew! Mommy says I would neber be allowed in a church cause I would bark at eberybody an hide my ears when da music started! We so bery sorry bout your Daddy's Mom an reckon her were lookin down on you an Drew an smilin when she saw you wearin da posies she made! We nots know much about fancy cars...Daddy gots a truck an Mommy gots a 10 year old SUV dat gots well ober 100,000 miles on it! We hopes things slow down fer your Mummy soon so her can get some piccies on here. We miss seein your sweet faces I do say! I send lots a kissies an snuggles ta you an my Drew Boy an hopes you hab sweet dreams tanight!
Lub to you all, bestest Friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) an Mommy XXXXXXXXX

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Bo Bryce
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Aug 18, 2023 at 10:10
• Louise

Post 6402

Re: Mummy been real busy since we got home Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Oh Biba & Drew sounds like you had a very busy week.  I never been in a church before but I would try hard to be a good boy.  We can't wait to see all your pixies!!! Love Bryce, and Angels Caesar,Kinzie, Judah & Murphy

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Aug 18, 2023 at 11:06
• allen
(New Jersey)

Post 1455

Re: Mummy been real busy since we got home Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

it is nice that you made the best of a sad time.
I am sure Grammy was proud of you guys wearing her knitted outfits.

Love Riley and Allen

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Aug 18, 2023 at 12:31
Post 1548

Re: Mummy been real busy since we got home Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

So sweet that Biba and Drew were at the ceremony for their Grammy and wearing their finest knitted outfits. Sounds like a nice time going to Cotswold as well and getting some pretty clocks and shopping the town. 
Hope that soon you'll get to slow down some and join us here with some darling adventure pictures. Grady misses his love Miss Bibsyyy...and buddy Drew.

Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxoxox

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Aug 18, 2023 at 14:23
• Sandi

Post 7231

Re: Mummy been real busy since we got home Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Boy you guys had a busy week. so glad that you were able to go to the church for the funeral, I bet you looked great in your knitted outfits, can't wait to see pics.

god bless

sandi and ollie, buster, robin and presley at the bridge

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Aug 19, 2023 at 04:21
Post 5877

Re: Mummy been real busy since we got home Vote for this post Reply to this Message Reply with a quote

Wow super busy, hope you get some time to relax.

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