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May 19, 2024 at 08:02 (Australia)
Post 5926     
Princess Sadie

May 19, 2024 at 08:06 (Australia)
Post 5927     
Re: Princess Sadie
Sadie is a little weirdo. She tolerates the blanket, but the moment I pop jumper on her she turns to stone for the next 5-10 minutes. She hides when I get her harness out to go for a walk (unlike her big sister Izzy) I have gone without her a couple of times hoping she would get the message. I took them for a walk this morning and it was drizzling she pulled the entire way making the experience quite unpleasant. Izzy on the other hand (I walked them on a double lead using just normal harnesses) was such a good girl didn't seem to mind the drizzle. She is accepting of jumpers and blankets and is always first in line to get her harness on to go for a walk.

May 19, 2024 at 08:08 (Australia)
Post 5928     
Here's my good girl
Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie

May 19, 2024 at 08:55 • Deborah (Pennsylvania)
Post 11526     
Re: Princess Sadie
Ah Princess Sadie, you is jus showin your terriertude I do say! I hab been known ta pitch a fit when I were in no mood ta wear my raincoat or ta go in da direction Mommy or Daddy wishes me ta go in. I says "ta each der own". Hee! Hee! Oh, by da way, we gibs you our POW an I mus say, I lubs your stuffie!Lub, Emmie Sue (who has a mind a her own!)

May 19, 2024 at 11:04 • Sandi (Nebraska)
Post 7418     
Re: Princess Sadie
Oh you silly girl.i don't like the rain either,mom bought me a raincoat, but I hate to wear it. Love both sleepy girls. They are so sweet. POW for sweet Sadie.
Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

May 19, 2024 at 14:26 (Idaho)
Post 1761    
Re: Princess Sadie
Diana these are sweet pictures of your girls cozy in their napping blankets!! Little Sadie gets our POW vote for her darling peep at you taking her photo. Cairns are pretty independent and not as accepting to be in a coat or sweater like westies I think.Grady at first bucked in a run away when trying a harness for the first few times but got used to it.He loves his walks and knew the harness had to be on if he wanted to go out.:-) Hopefully soon enough Sadie will be walking in sync with Izabella on the walks without pulling on the outings. Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxox

May 19, 2024 at 15:10 (Idaho)
Post 1763    
Re: Princess Sadie-I did this
Diana I went through the pulling with Grady also and something I did was practice in the house. I put on his harness added a short 4 foot lead and tied it to my belt loop. Walked him in the house and in our yard. Made short learning exercises and corrections when he pulled. He was very stubborn and wanted to leap to his own direction. Made him stop and sit at my side. When I was ready to proceeded to go forward used a command and a clicker or anything to relate to positive reinforcement. Took time and several training sessions and now he's walking on a leash and harness better unless he sees another dog then forget it....he'll be a leaping wild boy in a pull and barking frenzy.

May 24, 2024 at 22:39 (Australia)
Post 5930     
Re: Princess Sadie-I did this
I need to take the extra time and put on her balance harness as this gives her light correction and when she wears that she is fantastic. My 2 love people and other dogs they never bark at them just want to lick them in the face. I try not to let that happen as you never know when another dog might not be friendly. Sadie still does the excited piddle on the ground.

May 20, 2024 at 09:22 • allen (New Jersey)
Post 1577    
Re: Princess Sadie
It is funny how different they can be.
I am sure she will get better at it.
Love Riley and Allen

May 21, 2024 at 05:53 (Australia)
Post 5929     
Re: Princess Sadie
I guess like all dogs she has her little quirks.
Biba and Drew

May 21, 2024 at 12:00 (United Kingdom)
Post 19364      
Re: Princess Sadie
I have soo many quirks Sadie as a Cairn and when mummy is past this week will put on what mine are..they are out of sync a bit at the mooment though cos Mummy has her sissie here....we catch up again soon...Much Love and kissies to yoo all fwom Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxx