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Biba and Drew

Dec 18, 2024 at 12:22 (United Kingdom)
Post 19486      
Drew had a seizure ..but OK now
I woke suddenly yesterday morning at 3.30am and Drew was on the carpet by the side of bed having a seizure,he either fell off the bed and had one or had one start on the bed and fell took about 4 minutes to come out of it and of course then mooching around house till about 5am dazed and confused as you all will know who have witnessed them...I rand the emergency vet and said he had come out of it and then took him in the afternoon to see them.He did a normal poop on lawn about 5.30am but I had to be out in the morning so after taking Bibsy for a walk I kept Drew seperate from Bibsy in the lounge and Bibsy the rest of house...I do have some see through solid screens so they can see each other which stopped Drew from getting anxious I hoped..I put Bibsy on her lead while he was having the seizure..she was worried but also a bit unsure with the noise and not entirely sure if she could have made matters worse. In a few words when at vets its really monitor him if he has another or when and video the length of time will most possibly be old age and brain related....I remember dear Eric started with them at 15 and of course Dear Ellie had was very upsetting but I stayed calm knowing what it was ,not made any better by Drew being the opposite side of bed to where I had found Dear Peter in April. I am keeping them seperate like that when at work only and Drew is now sleeping on the carpet in his snuggly beddie in bedroom...I was going to post yesterday but wanted to see how he was last night and he slept well and no further ones happened and have taken him for a half hour walk with Bibsy but with his carty this afternoon..our weather is dull and rainy now. He is back to his normal self and of course eating normally....the vets could do bloodwork but it would not really alter whats happening and I just pray maybe it was a one off..or he does not start having many and or they last any longer to come out of ,I will ring emergency if that happens and get him looked at again. he did not lost control of his bowel or widdies during his seizure though. I will keep updating each day how he is doing little monkey bless him Love Annie Bibsy and Drew xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dec 18, 2024 at 13:52 • Sandi (Nebraska)
Post 7541     
Re: Drew had a seizure ..but OK now
Oh Annie how frightening for both you and drew,glad you got him to the vet and checked out. Hope they find the cause of his seizure. Will be looking for updates.
Keeping him in thoughts and prayers. God bless
Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge
Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie

Dec 18, 2024 at 14:35 • Deborah (Pennsylvania)
Post 11665     
Re: Drew had a seizure ..but OK now
Oh Annie, I am so sorry to read about Drew's seizure! I know how frightening it is to watch and praying the whole time that they'll come to themselves and be OK. Gary and I take care of my cousin's little dog, Bella, when her Mommy, Judy, has to go somewhere. Judy's husband passed away after a long battle with pancreatic cancer and while Judy was trying to deal with the grief of that, Bella began having seizures...3 or 4 of them and her vet began to wonder if this was how the little dog was coping with the loss of her Daddy. When life began smoothing out a bit, Bella quit having the seizures and hasn't had one in a long time. Judy had gotten meds for her but hasn't had to give it to her. It makes me wonder about Drew's seizures and I am praying that he doesn't have any more of them. I'll be watching for an update on your precious boy and hoping for a good one.
Annie, it is me, Emmie. I are so sorry ta read about my Drew Boy's seizure and wish I could be there to snuggle with him and tell him not ta be afraid.Please tell him I lub him loads an loads an hope he's feelin much better today. I send him kissies an virtual snuggles ta make his day a bit brighter! Please tell my bestest Bibs ta watch ober him fer me, OK? Lub, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) an Mommy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Bo Bryce

Dec 18, 2024 at 14:35 • Louise (Indiana)
Post 6573     
Re: Drew had a seizure ..but OK now
Oh Annie I am so sorry to hear Drew had a seizure. It is so scary. I am glad you were able to get him to the Vet and that he is back to normal. I will keep him in my prayers and BoBo & Jewel are keeping their paws crossed for him. Love BoBo, Jewel, all our terrier Angels and Mummy Louise

Dec 18, 2024 at 16:44 (Idaho)
Post 1880    
Re: Drew had a seizure ..but OK now
Annie Such a heartbreak to see your post about Drew having a seizure. Poor sweetie and not knowing if he fell from the bed as well. To see a seizure happening is such a worry. Good that Drew is eating and drinking and able to get about slowly. We hope that the vet can determine the cause,possibly age as you may think. Sending prayers for Drew and you and Bibsy too. Our love & Hugs Sandra & Master Grady

Dec 18, 2024 at 17:33 • allen (New Jersey)
Post 1662    
Re: Drew had a seizure ..but OK now
so sorry to hear he had a seizure.
They are very scary and they seem so helpless.
We wish him well.