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Biba and Drew

Jan 02, 2025 at 17:12 (United Kingdom)
Post 19499      
Drews vet visit
I took Drew this morning and spoke with a vet I have seen in the past ,everything is normal re heart temperature etc,he has underneath is thick coat lost a lot of mass muscle which I have known about for a while..he will have possibly brain disorder tumor or also he has been drinking a lot more so could be liver tumor,its very similar to when I had Dear Eric in old age..we spoke at length re medication to stem or halt the growth somewhat but it will not stop the seizures as I am aware..I have taken the hard decision not to put him on meds as they will have side effects and I do not want him to go through those...the vet was in agreement and its his quality of life that the moment he is pooping and doing a widdie as normal albeit the poop sometimes a bit the other way but Drew often does that on occasions and the next poop normal again...I dont want his tummy and body upset by medication ..we went for a nice walk after the vets and took his carty in the dry but cold weather and he had his nice warm coat on.....another sad day for me to make this decision alone without Peter but know that he would not want Drew pumped with medication just to keep him longer for our us and not for his quality of life,so I will take each day as it comes... He is eating well but more hungry than he used to be but has in fairness always been a bit of a greedy one !!He will have another seizure and I just pray each time he comes round soon again and if not I will call the vets out if in the night or early morning. Its a very hard frost here tonight and we have snow forecast for the weekend so I need to keep him nice and warm . Please could you keep Drew in your thoughts and Prayers and will update more tomorrow ...Lots of love always Annie Bibsy and Drew xxxxxxxxx
Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie

Jan 02, 2025 at 17:32 • Deborah (Pennsylvania)
Post 11682     
Re: Drews vet visit
Oh Annie, I am so very sorry to read this update. After what Kelsie went through, I don't blame you for not wanting to pump meds into Drew and take the chance of so many side effects. I know you are feeling the weight of the world making this decision by yourself but I'm sure Peter is watching down on all of you and would agree with your decision. I am keeping dear Drew in my prayers and hoping you have lots more quality time with him. I'm sure Bibsy is sensing a change in him and it must confuse her also. You know that I am here for you and am keeping all of you in my prayers. Stay strong my friend and enjoy your boy!Love to you all, Deb and Emmie Sue XXXXXXXXXXX Drew, it is me, your Emmie Sue. Oh how I wish I could be with you and snuggle close to you and make everything all better. Know that I am thinking of you and sending my prayers that you stay well. Love, your Emmie Sue XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Bo Bryce

Jan 02, 2025 at 18:00 • Louise (Indiana)
Post 6587     
Re: Drews vet visit
Oh Annie I am so sorry to hear the news you learned from the Vet today. It is so hard to hear but sometimes letting them live the best life they can without all the side effects of drugs is the best thing to do. Drew is still living the good life which is good so letting him live it is the right thing to do. Meds aren't always the answer. I know this was hard for you because you don't have Peter to lean on and help with the decision. You know we are here for you and precious Drew and you Annie are in my prayers for a good final days for Drew. BoBo & Jewel send their love to you and Drew. Love BoBo, Jewel, Angels Kinzie, Judah, Murphy and our Mummy Louise

Jan 02, 2025 at 20:56 • Sandi (Nebraska)
Post 7555     
Re: Drews vet visit
Annie,thank you for the update not the news we were expecting, I agree not putting him on meds. Just let him live his life,for however long that is.give him all the love you can.he knows that you love him. Will keep him in thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself,drew and biba. God bless. Sandi and Ollie buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

Jan 03, 2025 at 12:57 (Idaho)
Post 1895    
Re: Drews vet visit
Annie thank you for letting us know how Drews appointment went. So sorry to hear this about Drews condition with his seizures.Sending you both hugs. We know it's hard making these decisions.I agree how you feel about the meds and the side effects you don't want Drew to experience,he knows you will be comforting him with your love. Our Prayers and our thoughts go out to you both. Love and Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxox

Jan 05, 2025 at 12:08 • allen (New Jersey)
Post 1669    
Re: Drews vet visit
We are very sorry to hear about Drew.Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. Hope he does not suffer and that better days are ahead.
All our lovr Riley and Allen