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Biba and Drew

Jan 06, 2025 at 15:57 (United Kingdom)
Post 19503      
Drew had another seizure on Sunday morning
Drew had another seizure at 5am on Sunday morning.....he came round out of it but I had to wait for an hour and then get him out for a widdie when he was less groggy..put his coat on and Bibsy as it had snowed and around four inches deep..not what we wanted in the dark but lit all the house up and front and back exterior light ..I took him out on his lead..and prayed he did not have another one outside in the snow..he is a lot slower now and more confused in certain ways..but certainly knows when its food time bless him..our snow has turned to awful rain at the moment tonight but cold..he is nice and warm in the house ..last night he would not go in his beddie to sleep...he has a wrap round comfy bed with hedgehogs on he loves and then a fleece beddie in front of that about 2 inches thick..but he slept on that all night for some reason ...needless to say i dont get many hours a repeat of Dear Eric .Hugs and kisses to everyone .. Annie Bibsy and Drew xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jan 06, 2025 at 16:13 • Sandi (Nebraska)
Post 7559     
Re: Drew had another seizure on Sunday morning
Oh Annie so sorry to hear that drew had another seizure. Good he recovered and slept. Keeping both of you in thought's and prayers. God bless
Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge
Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie

Jan 06, 2025 at 16:51 • Deborah (Pennsylvania)
Post 11687     
Re: Drew had another seizure on Sunday morning
Oh, bless his little heart, I am so sorry to hear that Drew had another seizure but glad to hear that he came round and is back to himself, even if he is a bit slower. I know how hard this is on both of you and I keep you both in my thoughts and prayers and hope you both get a good night's sleep tonight. I wonder if he associates his bed with the seizure and that is why he doesn't want to sleep in it? I so wish we could tell what goes through our puppers minds. We send our love to all of you and Emmie sends tender smoochies to her Drew Boy. Please give both of them a big hug and kiss from both of us.Love, Deb and Emmie Sue XXXXXXXXXX

Jan 07, 2025 at 00:56 (Australia)
Post 5942     
Re: Drew had another seizure on Sunday morning
Sorry to hear that Annie, hope he feels better soon.
Bo Bryce

Jan 07, 2025 at 08:38 • Louise (Indiana)
Post 6590     
Re: Drew had another seizure on Sunday morning
So sorry to hear Drew had another seizure. Glad he came around and glad he still knows when it is time to eat. Jewel & I are thinking about you Annie and our best friend Drew. Our Mummy says prayers and special thoughts will continue.Love BoBo, Jewel and Mummy Louise

Jan 07, 2025 at 15:20 (Idaho)
Post 1899    
Re: Drew had another seizure on Sunday morning
I'm sad to hear that Drew has had another seizure. Good he coming around them and getting out. Poor sweetie. Oh Annie it pulls at my heart.. sending you all gentle hugs. So sweet that Drew found comfort snuggled up to his hedgehog stuffies for beddie. Stay warm ...sorry you are having rain on top of snow..xoxoxoxo Prayers and our thoughts are with you.Hugs Sandra & Master Gradyxox