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Jan 12, 2025 at 15:28 • Cheryl (New York)
Post 11439     
Snow? How come???
We moved from NY to Virginia to get away from the cold and the snow but guess what? It followed us! How dare it, I ask you? We didn't get much, not like NY, only an inch or so but it paralyzed the area! Schools and businesses closed all over the place. We just laughed. All we had to do was wait for it to melt off our car. We didn't have to go anywhere anyway. Grandson Silas had school cancelled for TWO DAYS! AND his mom didn't have to go to William and Mary to work. She worked from home. So it wasn't too bad.
Mom and Dad are loving it here. We were invited to a New Year's open house, have made new friends, and I am loving the dog park. Besides my walkies with Dad, I usually go with Mom to the dog park twice a day. And I have a friend named Finn across the hall and I have been making eyes at a sweet young lady poodle down on the first floor.
So happy we moved here!
Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie

Jan 12, 2025 at 15:39 • Deborah (Pennsylvania)
Post 11691     
Re: Snow? How come???
Rookie, sounds liike you're livin da life down der in your new digs! Mommy heard dat Virginia gots some snow. I'll bet you had a blast playin in it! We lub hearin bout your new friends an eben a new girlie! Piccies we do say! We needs piccies! You take care an hope you dons get any more a da white stuff!Lub, your buddy, Emmie Sue (an Mommy)

Jan 12, 2025 at 15:53 • Sandi (Nebraska)
Post 7564     
Re: Snow? How come???
Oh rookie so glad you are enjoying your new home sounds like you have made a lot of great friends. Sorry about the snow, I guess it foes snow in the south. It least it will melt quickly.
Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge

Jan 14, 2025 at 11:25 • allen (New Jersey)
Post 1673    
Re: Snow? How come???
Crazy how the weather is.
Glad you like your new home.
Love Riley and Allen