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Biba and Drew

Jan 29, 2025 at 11:42 (United Kingdom)
Post 19514      
Drew is still doing OK
My bro Drew is still doing ok and we tooked him for a walkie and in his carty yesterday while it wos dwy and we were oot for about an hour and a harf..he walked and then got in his carty and then got oot and walked sum more..albeit slow pace.....Mummy tells me off cos I want to go quickly and she says I gots to just go gently when I with my bro cos I gets loads of zoomy walkies on my own wiv my mummy and I will one day be an older gal....Mummy took me hunting in the gwasses this afternoon and into the fields looking for mouses...I sawed two foxys the uvver day on my walkie...Mummy says we need lots of dry wevver as all we seem to have had is rain and more rain..and they say we cuds get a bit of snow again on fwiday.What is evewyones wevver doing?Big Smoochies to My Master Gwady and Drew sends Big Smoochies to EmmieSue and My Bestest fwend. Hugs and kissies Bibsy Drew and Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jan 29, 2025 at 13:40 • Sandi (Nebraska)
Post 7571     
Re: Drew is still doing OK
Oh miss bibs, so glad that drew is during okay and getting out. Iam sure he likes that. God bless him.
Sandi and Ollie, buster Robin and Presley at the bridge
Deb, Emmie, and Angel Kelsie

Jan 29, 2025 at 14:51 • Deborah (Pennsylvania)
Post 11699     
Re: Drew is still doing OK
Ah bestest, we is so glad to hear dis good update! Mommy an me been thinkin bout how my Drew are doin an we is pleased to hear he is gettin out an snufflin round a bit! We also glad dat your weader are drier an you can all get out an enjoy some time afield! Oh an Bestest Bibs, we gots a red foxie comin round huntin fer my bunnies! Mommy not too happy bout dat but she admits he are very pretty wif his red coat! We finally gots some warmer weader but it are bery windy here an da weaderman says we coulds get a qick inch a snow later today. Mommy says enuff wif da wind an snow! Her wants some nice weader sos we can get out an check fer squirrelies! Well, I gots ta go find my place in front a da fireplace an take a bit a nappy for supper so I will sign off fer now! We lub you all loads an loads an we is keepin my Drew in our prayers an hopin he continues to do so good!Lub, bestest friend Emmie Sue (Drew's Girl) an Mommy XXXXXXXXXXXX

Jan 30, 2025 at 17:11 (Idaho)
Post 1908    
Re: Drew is still doing OK
Hi my Biba oh sounds like you and bro Drew had some nice walkie and exciting that you spotted 2 fox too. Here even our squirrels are MIA with all our freezing cold weather. The only critters I see are the roaming neighborhood cats climbing my fence on backyard patrol. Good to hear Drew is able to get out of his cart for some leg stretchers and he is still doing well. Sending you lots of barks and kisses xoxoxox Your Master Grady and Sandra
Bo Bryce

Jan 30, 2025 at 17:59 • Louise (Indiana)
Post 6598     
Re: Drew is still doing OK
Oh what good news!!! BoBo, Jewel and our Mummy have been thinking about you. We are so happy you have been able to get out in your carty and walk too. It is raining out side and the rest of the snow and ice is finally melting. No more freezing temperatures for a while. We are so happy!!!! Love BoBo, Jewel, Mummy Louise & all our terrier Angels