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Nov 03, 2010 at 21:07
Post 1 
Surrendering Westie/ needs good home
I have a 6 yr old male Westie that I need to find a home. I prefer that he goes to a home with someone who has either Westie or terrier experience, someone with a nice large yard, someone who is home more often than not as well as someone who can afford to purchase special dog food so that it keeps his skin in good condition. I live in NE CT near Massachusetts & RI borders. I can provide more info. Thanks
Katie, Cubby & Sammy

Nov 03, 2010 at 22:48 • Katie (New Hampshire)
Post 175 
Re: Surrendering Westie/ needs good home
If you haven't already, please contact Karen Errichetti with New England Westie Rescue Network - She should be able to help you.
Cairn Rescue League
MacKenzie & Tobey Maguire's Mu

Nov 04, 2010 at 01:33 (California)
Post 693   
Re: Surrendering Westie/ needs good home
Hello Karen,
So sorry you are unable to keep your little Westie..
Please follow contact information, and we wish you and your little guy well.... we are in So Cal, so unable to assist. Understand about skin issues, my little Tobey has very severe can only do what you can do. But you came to the absolutely right place for help!! Thank you for caring about your little guy..........
Pam MacKenzie's & Tobey Maguire (Cairn terriers)

Feb 11, 2011 at 10:03 • Mike (New York)
Post 12 
Re: Surrendering Westie/ needs good home
Did this little guy find a home??
good Topic. Hope someone helps

Feb 10, 2021 at 22:33 • Beverly (New Jersey)
Post 59 
Re: Surrendering Westie/ needs good home
This would be a perfect situation for me. With the covid problem I am sure there is not way to "meet" and see how it goes. I am down the Shore in Jersey. My Male Westie "Mister Beasley" lived a very happy life for 16 years and three months. He also took special very expensive D &D Salmon and potato dog food. Along with vitamin E for his heart and bones at age 15 along with medication drops administered twice a day in his eyes. Most of his life he was happy and peppy and I think he really felt the happiness in our really big backyard that is securely fenced in. I bathed him with special shampoo and a Dermatologist told me that he was the best looking Westie skin he ever saw. I sound as though i am complimenting myself but you should be too! You recognize the needs of your Little boy and you want no less than what you would do and MORE! Six years old is a perfect time to go on an adventure and I am hopeful that you are successful. I miss My Mister Beasley. He traveled with us and enjoyed his yard and safety. When his time came, I felt as though he was lifted to heaven. So remember that you are a good moma and he won't forget you. but sometimes people like me are looking for Westies like you have. In Jersey.