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Cairn in Chicago area needs a home Reply to this Message
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Luann Johnson
Member PageMember Page March 19 at 08:49
Cairn in Chicago area needs a home

Yesterday I received a phone call about a lady who needs to place her three year old Cairn. Because of his history of biting, WRM would not be able to place him. But, I told her that I would post her information here to see if anyone would like to take on this challenge.

Many dogs can be brought around after biting. I don't know if this guy is one of them or not.

Her message:

Hello Luann,

My sister called you today in regards to my dearly loved carin terrier, Masters. I am the one who recently had a baby and my husband was recently bit on the face by Masters. My sister said you would be willing to post our info on your message board to see if anyone would be interested in rescuing Masters. I am very interested in having our info. posted. Here is some information and now you have our AOL e-mail address.

Masters is a three year old male carin that was nuetered at about six months. Since early on in Masters life, about four months, we have been having troubles with him biting. The bites seem to come spor atically and have numbered about eight in the three years we have owned him, each has drawn blood.
A couple of the bites were over a confrontation with an object that Masters considered special to him, otherwise, we can put our hands in his food bowl and take squeekers from his toys out of his mouth. However, if he got a hold of a bone or something he should not have, we have to trade up.

I have learned to be more terrier smart and avoid most confrontations with Masters and live in peace. We attended puppy kindergarten and basic obedience classes, he sits, down, heels, stays, comes and fetches. Things seemed to be going well, and as time passes we forget about the bites or make excuses for him like he was tired and didn't want to be disturbed. However, he has recently bitten my husband on the face, after he bent over him to give him a kiss.

We had a baby about seven weeks ago, and Masters has been wonderfully behaved around the baby. However, after this most recent biting incident, it has become apparent that Masters will never be able to be trusted around a toddler or children and we must get rid of him. I have spoken to a few rescue groups in my area and they are hesitant to take him because he would be difficult (or impossible) to place in most homes.

If you could post the info on your message board, to see if someone who is familiar with carins and would be willing to take him in and see if they could re-train him and establish dominance. We did the best we could do with Masters and love him dearly, we would hate to have to put him to sleep if he could be spared.

Masters is a wonderful dog 99% of the time, he is just unpredictible and bites when feeling threatened. Masters is also very scared of loud noises from garbage trucks or thunderstorms.

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions and thank you very much for you time.

Thank you,
Patti Leahy
e-mail: Psljml@aol.com

Stephanie & Dugan
Member PageMember Page March 19 at 09:21
Re: Cairn in Chicago area needs a home Reply to this Message

I wish I could take him. Maggie was like that when I first got her, she just needed more structure.
Carley and Zoe
Member PageMember Page March 19 at 12:47
Re: Cairn in Chicago area needs a home Reply to this Message

I wish that I could take him, too. But my husband will kill me if ask for any more cairns!! Good luck I hope you find him a great home.
xoxoxoxo and lots of luck, carley and zoe
Kayla and Annie's Mom
March 19 at 12:53
Re: Cairn in Chicago area needs a home Reply to this Message

What aout contacting Col. Potter Cairn Rescue. they have contacts nationwide. You can find them on the WEB.

Mary Ann
Member PageMember Page March 19 at 13:55
Re: Cairn in Chicago area needs a home Reply to this Message

Yes, she can contact us.. we would need the owner surrender filled out and then our intakes would talk over the biting with her. We have helped a lot of biters, but not all can be helped.

Col Potter Cairn Rescue Network

Member PageMember Page March 19 at 14:44
Email Cairn Owner Reply to this Message

She may not check the posts here since her needs were posted by someone else. :)

Lynda and the Minkies
Member PageMember Page March 19 at 17:08
Re: Cairn in Chicago area needs a home Reply to this Message

I hope he gets a nice home....a shame he has to leave, though.
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