Here I am -- Roo! Gotta love me!
I am a rescue Westie, originally from way down south but I am a Yankee now, living with my family on an old farm in Upstate New York.
I've got a Mom and Dad and human brother, and then there's my C-A-T, Holly.
Me and my Monkey
Just pottering along . . .
Nothing is quite as special as a walk in the garden . . . (looking for some way to get into mischief!)
Roodie Doodie
Make-over, anyone?!?!?!
I got into Mom's lipstick. Lovely shade, isn't it?!
Roo likes make-up!!!
"Captain" Roo
Mom and Dad took me to a lake in the Adirondacks for a week. I loved going boating every day in my new life jacket!
About Me . . .
My birthday is July 16, 2001. I love the color green, long runs anywhere, spending time with Mom and Dad.
Copyright © 2001 www.terrierclub.com Gold Member 08/12/03 at 13:33 |