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Petey and the gang
Member PageMember Page June 21 at 00:54
Our Pics Vote for this post

Here's some of the vacation pics to bore you with. Look in album Vacation Pics 6-2005.

Vacation Pics
Lynda and the Minkies
Member PageMember Page June 21 at 05:30
Re: Our Pics Vote for this post Reply to this Message

Love the wee waterfall photos. That's spooky-we have a Devil's Punchbowl not far from here too. That jawbone was impressive. Loved the "getting restless" shot on Betty's couch...they sat still quite a while, bless them.
Thankyou for showing us, Carol.
john / irene TOBY
Member PageMember Page June 21 at 09:51
Re: Our Pics Vote for this post Reply to this Message

A wonderful slideshow Carol We loved all the Pictures

John / irene TOBY
Member PageMember Page June 21 at 11:26
Re: Our Pics Vote for this post Reply to this Message

Great pics Carol, not the least boring LOL. Great lanscapes!! I love the one of Angela and the anemone, a very touching photo.

In the 'Howdy' pic, there is another westie with Petey.. who I wonder?? Loved the mirror reflection, is that Betty trying to keep the pups still??

I enjoyed them all,
hugs, T&C xox
McTavish, SGirls & Becky
Member PageMember Page June 21 at 19:26
Re: Our Pics Vote for this post Reply to this Message

They were wonderful!! Thanks so much for sharing them. I loved all the shots of the Westies and their people. Your scenery pictures were beautiful. Oregon is on my list of places to visit someday. I loved the waterfalls. I am glad you had such a nice time.
Janie, Chip, & Mulligan
Member PageMember Page June 21 at 21:26
Re: Our Pics Vote for this post Reply to this Message

Loved every shot Carol. It looks like everyone had such a good time together - humans and pupsters...
Miss Maddie
Member PageMember Page June 21 at 21:42
Re: Our Pics Vote for this post Reply to this Message

Those are some really lovely pictures! The shots of the coastline and waterfalls are beautiful.You all look like you had a fantastic time.My favorite still is all the westie on the sofa.
Thanks for sharing them.Just can't get enough seeing all those westies together.

Sandra Miss Maddie & Mr.Willie
The Oregon Girlies...
Member PageMember Page June 22 at 12:51
Re: Our Pics Vote for this post Reply to this Message

Great photos Carol, We really missed you guys after you left...We weren;t finished visiting yet.
xxxxBetty and the Girlies...

Porter and Heidi
Member PageMember Page June 25 at 21:12
Re: Our Pics Vote for this post Reply to this Message

Oh, what sweet words Betty!
This must have been one wonderful time for you all...
Thanks for sharing it with us as well.
Nancy :)
Porter and Heidi
Member PageMember Page June 25 at 21:24
Re: Our Pics Vote for this post Reply to this Message

Wonderful vacation! Thanks for showing us the pics. Enjoy the one of the whales jaw, neat.
Nancy :)
Annie and E Gang
Member PageMember Page June 26 at 17:38
Re: Our Pics Vote for this post Reply to this Message

Lovely pictures Carol and the scenery is beautiful and how lovely to see all the tc friends and puppers,we loved the ..Thats my man picture also and Sweetie Bless her.
Love and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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