Terrier Club

Katie Belle
Breed: Female Westie
Katie Belle
Katie Belle
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Born: May, 2000
Breed: Female Westie
Residence: Alabama
Weight: 13 pounds

Favorite food: Apples--when a slice falls on the floor.

Favorite toy: Tennis ball, squeaky bear and pig.

Favorite activity: Taking walks, having my belly rubbed, playing fetch (or rather, keep away), and sleeping with all four legs in the air.

Special talents: I completed the first level of obedience training. I can sit, lay down, stay, beg, and shake hands. I can also wrap anyone around my paw within minutes.

Most embarrassing moment: Once I tried to come in the doggie door, only it was shut, and I banged my head on the door.

Most trouble I ever got into: As a puppy--eating my mom's favorite shoes and eating a hole through the baby gate and escaping. As a one-year old--eating a hole in the carpet.

My favorite friends: My grandparents. If I ever were to meet other dogs, I'm sure I would be very popular though.

Biggest adventure: I love to go shopping at the pet store and walking in the park. When I visit my grandparents, I get to talk to the horses.

Member since 11/18/2001
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