My Photo Album
Toby, Molly and Harley
Favorite food: Anything that someone else is eating...mostly mom.
Favorite toy: Tennis balls, rubber lizzard, Shadow (the cat).
Favorite activity: Riding in anything that moves, cars, trucks, bikes, firetrucks, or boats, playing in the "clean / folded" laundry, and chasing the cars from my side of the fence.
Special talents: I'm a Westie, nuff said, I am pure talent.
Most embarrassing moment: I like to follow my Rottie brother around, but he will stop too quick and wet on me, (I kinda walk up under him). I get lots of baths after our walks.
Most trouble I ever got into: I got out of our gate and ran up the road, once! I don't like mom when she's worried, she wigs out.
My favorite friends: Shadow, he's both my friend and enemy. He's my 28 pound cat brother.
Biggest adventure: Going fishing in the ocean w/ mom & dad, walking through the house at night, Shadow likes to hide and jump out at me (see above).
Member since May 2001 (or earlier)